A Helpful Blog for Business Owners
Welcome to the BPetersonDesign Blog—a dedicated space for tips on website design, SEO, hosting, and business tools. Here, you’ll find advice on website design, strategies for improving organic search engine optimization, and recommendations for tools that can make managing your business easier. Packed with insights and actionable tips, our blog is designed to help you achieve real results and grow with confidence. Start reading our posts and begin building your business success story today!
You’re Being Lied To: “We Can Put You On The First Page of Google!”
Your First Hint You're Being Played Do you ever get those spammy calls and e-mails from companies claiming they can put your website on the first page of Google Search organically? Or I've heard them take it a step further and claim, "We can make you #1 on Google!". The [...]
How to Respond to Positive and Negative Reviews
Social Media, as you know, is very time consuming if you are doing it correctly. Not just posting valuable content, but also responding to your followers' comments, messages, and reviews. This alone is a full time position. In today's digital age, a business's reputation is controlled by consumers using online [...]
Digital Marketing – If You Were Really That Good At It
We have a saying over here at BPetersonDesign. It comes up in almost every client meeting we have. As I sat at my desk trying to figure out what part of our knowledge I want to type up for this blog article to help others succeed, I heard Ben on [...]
3 Secrets to Successful Video Marketing
You may not be surprised to hear videos are taking the marketing industry by storm. Reading blog articles and posts have their time and place for keywords and being found on search engines, but you should always incorporate Video Marketing in any marketing strategy you plan. People want to watch [...]
Why It Pays To Have A Company Blogger
In our line of work, we often work with clients who want to start producing blog articles that are worth reading. Smart! We have seen a lot of them copy articles from a different website and paste into their own blog. Others write articles that are more along the lines [...]
How to Have A Healthy Balance Between Motherhood and Entrepreneurship
Sharing a title of Entrepreneur and Mother is difficult to say the very least, and there definitely isn't a secret ingredient to make it work. I was reading an article stating that according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 50% of all new businesses survive 5 years or more. [...]
How To Utilize Your Strengths And Your Weaknesses
I was talking to a client this morning discussing advertising idea's and how we can make their business better, and during our conversation I brought up a strategy that we have brought up many times before. This strategy is a very simple idea, that is very difficult to implement but [...]
What Is A Responsive Website And Why Do I Need One?
Yes, we can hear you asking, "What the heck is responsive web design?!" Do you ever try searching for something on Google Search with your phone or tablet, and when you select a result and it comes up, the page is cut-off? You have to either scroll side to side to read [...]
Should I Hire a Social Media Marketer?
Thinking about hiring a Social Media Marketer leads to a very big decision. Do you want to use your budgeting on a Social Media Marketing company or should you hire an amateur that can just post some posts a couple times a week and be done? First, let's cover why [...]
Why it’s OK to Have Enemies: Turning Opposition into Business Growth
When I used to work at the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) in Montrose, my boss used to have all these quotes and sayings taped on the bottom of his computer screens and some on his wall. There was always one quote that caught my eye, though, and that is [...]
Why Exercising Should Be Your Higher Priority
I've been guilty of putting my business higher priority over everything else. Family, friends, faith, and especially health. It makes sense, though, right? Your business is what is paying your bills. If your business isn't making enough profit, then how can you put food on the table for your family? How can [...]
How to Have a Successful Blog
So you want to be a blogger but not quite sure where to start? To have a profitable business as a blogger to generate income (or perhaps you want to do it just for fun!), we will go over strategies and basic steps every professional blogger should take to create and [...]
Things to Prepare Before Creating Your New Website
Creating a website shouldn't just be about throwing a few things together just so you can get your content up and running. To us, a website is a piece of art. It's supposed to reflect who you are, what you stand for, and what you do--and viewers should pick up [...]
Why You Should Appreciate Your Haters
Nobody likes haters. They're irritating, annoying, and you believe them on those days you temporarily lose faith in yourself. The worst part is they insert themselves in your life and they are hard to stay away from; Mostly because you find them to be family or co-workers. I find myself to [...]
Splash Pages vs. Landing Pages – What’s the Difference?
So you want to educate yourself on Splash Pages versus Landing Pages? It's a common question and if you're in the work of building websites for people, it's something you'll need to brush up on to avoid that awkward silence when anyone asks you. Just kidding, people often use the terms [...]
Look At Every Situation Like An Opportunity
When you are trying to grow and support your own business, you start looking at things differently. I didn't always look at situations and life events as an opportunity, but once I made the decision I wasn't going to work for anyone else anymore, I started looking at things in a [...]