Social media use is becoming more and more common for businesses. So what’s the big deal? Do hashtags, handles, and blogs really help businesses reach their performance goals? The answer is YES! Social media is how many people choose to communicate today and more importantly for business necessities, it allows communication between companies and consumers! 46% of shoppers rely on social media when making a purchase, 4 out of 5 small to medium-sized businesses use social media to promote their business and 3 out of those 5 gain new customers through it.

Social media allows:

  • customers to talk to other customers
  • companies to talk to customers
  • customers to talk to companies

Are you active on social media?

Companies active on social media have more opportunities to impact a consumer’s perceptive value of their brand. Social media is not only a tool to engage with customers, but it also serves as your companies voice, creates brand awareness, and acts as a path for consumers to purchase both online and in stores.

Is your business using the right social media platform(s)? There are many different platforms out there that your company can use to get noticed by consumers. You may already have existing profiles or you maybe you’re curious about creating new ones. We are going to help you understand what each platform is used for.

Each platform has unique uses:


Photos, Fan Promotions & Giveaways, Polls, Give Advice, Company News & Milestones, Sneak Peaks into Projects, Blog Posts, Relevant Trending Stories

Facebook has an informal style allowing you to showcase your company’s personality and gain interactions through your content.


New Products, Atmosphere, Culture & People, Office Antics

Instagram is about culture and being artistic. Resist the usual and create engaging and unique content that coincides with your company voice and shows off how cool you are.


User Experiences, Tips & Tricks, Cultivating Relationships

Use Twitter to share information related to your industry, and talk to your audience to solve any issues they may bring up.


Quick Tips, Expert Interviews, Webinars, Product Demos, Testimonials, Videos of Events, Elevator Pitches

With YouTube, quality content is valued over quantity because this is a great platform to really get to know a company on a deeper level.


Company News, Job openings, Celebrating Company Milestones, Sharing Industry-related News, Learning Opportunities

LinkedIn is used for a formal and professional style of communication.


New Products, Company Culture, Tips and Tricks, Testimonials, Company News, Job openings, Celebrating Company Milestones, Sharing Industry-related News, Learning Opportunities

With Google+, having volume is important so you can somewhat cross-promote content from other social platforms. We don’t recommend duplicating content exactly so that all of your content stays relevant.

What are you waiting for? If your business hasn’t gone social, you now know what platforms you should be using, and if you are already social, you can add new platforms or work on perfecting your current ones. Let us help grow your business with our Digital Marketing Packages!